Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Adventures in the Big Blue House

Here in Ohio we have been having tons of rain- the kind where it rains every day for two weeks and then the sun shines and everybody runs outside to work! My garden isn't in yet but we have planted most of our spring crops. I've planted several types of lettuce, carrots, peas, beans, broccoli, onions, and potatoes. I was very excited to see that all my berry plants and bushes survived the move. We even picked our first strawberry yesterday!

All of our goats have arrived. We have a total of four. Our wether, our 4-h market goat, my two month old toggenburg dairy goat, and our pregnant Sanen doe!! We are beyond excited at the thought of having fresh raw milk in late August. My next goat project involves building a barn for the winter.

We are also the proud owners of 19 chickens. Our batch of white leghorns are now 3 months old and doing great! We were given six more month old chicks that are thriving as well. Last night I picked up four hens that are laying now. Unfortunately, one of the hens escaped into the woods when we were transporting them. We looked and looked but couldn't find her. I'm hoping she shows up sometime today!

Another project we are working on is our chicken tractor for our meat chickens that arrive next week!!! We pick up 26 broiler chicks on Thursday. We have a bull calf coming in the next couple weeks as well.

How are things around your homestead?


joanna said...

Glad to see you posting again!

Frugal Sara said...

Wow looks like you have been a busy lady! Glad things are going so well for you!