Sunday, November 15, 2009

Girls Night Out

Our local radio station was hosting a Veggie Tale Movie Premiere tonight. The cost was a shoe box filled with goodies for Operation Christmas Child and a $7 donation to cover shipping costs. My girls really wanted to go see the movie and give a box of goodies so at the last minute we hit my stockpile of gifts and other goodies to see what we could come up with.

Two Walmart bags later I told them that we had indeed filled a shoe box for some lucky little girl and off to the movie we went. I was a little disappointed in the movie, I thought many kids wouldn't get the message of the movie and even my oldest said it wasn't very good. I used to love the Veggie Tale movies but this one really left me feeling like it's best for our family if we just leave Veggie Tales in the past.

Even with the movie issues it was fun to just take my girls out for a movie. I'm looking forward to the day when they're all "grown up" and we can do more things like this together.

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