I just found this totally neat weekly meme, it's all about posting how your home school is doing. We are almost done with our first month of home school. I was a little worried how our home school would run this year but so far it's been pretty great. Here's a weekly breakdown...
Trenton my oldest is in sixth grade this year. He will be starting a science class this week at the Broadway Academy. This will be his first official class besides his co-op classes. He is taking a full load of classes at our home school co-op as well.... drama, gym, Dangerous Book for Boys club, and a Chronicles of Narnia literature course. This is also his first year using the Math-u-See curriculum. He really likes this and so do I...it makes math time fun!! Currently, Trenton is also playing football.
Madison is in third grade this year. She is taking some great classes at our home school co-op...Prairie Primer, Art, Music, and gym. We are also using Math-u-See for her as well, she really likes it too. Madison is in gymnastics this year and so far is really enjoying it. She is my little helper in the garden. She is always willing to watch some of my "littles" and is a real help when apple picking or raspberry picking.
Riley is in first grade this year. This is her first "real" year for a full load in our home school. She is my school lover!! She worked through 12 weeks of her math u see in three days for fun... She also did her entire first grade handwriting book in a day just because. Riley is my animal lover. She loves horseback riding lessons and this year we finally caved and let her take home school ballet lessons which she rocks at!!
Kaitlyn and Reagan are our current "littles" and their school day consists of playing with assigned toy boxes, having a preschool time with one of the older kids, listening to our read aloud time, art, and nature study. These two keep us on our toes!!
1 comment:
Looks like you're off to a great year-thanks for joining us! I love your blog! The Chronicles of Narnia literature course sounds awesome. I like to do the prairie primmer with my only daughter when she is old enough. That's great that you have the older ones work with the younger ones. We've always done that, too.
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