Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More Homestead Happenings

Today was a busy day! We started off the morning early and made cinnamon biscuits and then started on our home school day. My dad came over after lunch to help me can our potatoes from our garden. We didn't find a very accurate recipe for the potatoes but we did end up with nine pints of potatoes canned but that left me with a lot more potatoes I needed to deal with. My dad helped me shred some of them into hash browns so I froze 4 quarts of hash browns and then I cooked the rest and made 6 quarts of mashed potatoes to put in the freezer.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to bake some bread and a vanilla bundt cake. I also have some laundry to get caught up on. I'm hoping to make another trip to the produce auction on Friday for some more potatoes and tomatoes.

We spent no money today and I didn't even leave the house!! Yesterday my husband spent $5.63 on smokes...I know it's a horrible habit but I also know how hard it is to quit!! I quit 6 years ago and I am so glad!!

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