Monday, August 10, 2009

It's Time for School

Today is our first day back to homeschool, I'm planning on doing things a little differently this year. My goals for our first week are to get our before breakfast chore done without the attitude, do a math lesson, reading lesson, Bible time, and before lunch chore done without the attitude every day. I want to ease back into a full schedule and I'd like to be running a full schedule by Sept. 14 which is when my son's science class starts.

Here is what our curriculum choices look like this year-

Story of the World Volume 1 for my girls
Story of the World Volume 4 for my son
Math U See for all school age kids
Handwriting Without Tears older girls
Exploring Creation zoo animals of the sixth day- all kids
General Science my son
Explode the Code- my girls
My Father's World

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Good luck with the school year.