Friday, July 31, 2009

Putting Up the Harvest

I finally finished snapping all my green beans! I ended up with 18 quarts of green beans in my freezer. I also cut off all the corn and froze it, I now have 5 quarts of fresh frozen sweet corn in the freezer too. My green peppers are all diced and frozen...all 5 gallon bags of them!!!

Tomorrow I need to chop up all my onions and get them in the freezer. I also need to shred four zucchini. I'm also planning on trying to make some of the artisan bread dough and see if we like it...I'd love to have homemade bread everyday and it only takes a few minutes to make each day. I could start it every morning before breakfast. If I got that done, laundry washing, and breakfast cooking I'd say that's a great day!!

My freezers are getting very very full. I'm going to need to start canning some of my produce instead of freezing it, but I do love looking into the freezer and seeing all that food that did not come from Walmart or Kroger!!!

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