Sunday, June 28, 2009

Today the kids and I went to a friends farm and picked black raspberries. We were there for four hours and left with very few berries but lots of purple faces and hands! We had fun and made memories because it was the second year we've done that.

Around the homestead things are busy, I spent much of last night weeding the gardens. I found a couple more squash and more tomatoes on the vines. The weather is going to be much cooler this week so we'll try to get some yard work done- I really want to clean up around the shed. It looks like a mini trash dump right now. Maybe I should put up some before and after pictures.

I'm also sorting our homeschool curriculum for our used book sale on Tuesday. The kids and I will be sorting through our book shelves tomorrow.

We had our first lightning bug case of the summer tonight. There were some tears when big brother killed one but all in all it was another great summer memory!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

We love berry picking, free berry picking would be even better. Our garden has lots of small veggies on it and I am so excited!