Today has been a rainy chilly day. Our riding lessons were cancelled so we haven't left the house which means no money spent!
I spent much of today baking bread and chocolate peanut butter chip cookies. I made pancakes for breakfast. Lunch was leftovers and fresh bread. I'm making Chicken Lover's Ultimate Baked Chicken, parsley red potatoes, steamed vegetables, and fresh bread for dinner. I'll post the recipe for the chicken if it is as good as the reviews say.
The girls and I de-cluttered their bedroom and we had 1 trash bag full of trash and another trash bag full for our yard sale. We have a small 3 bedroom house with three girls in one room so I have to stay on top of the toys and stuffed animals. Thankfully they really like little farm animals and Littlest Pet Shop toys which are easy to store.
I'm not sure yet if we'll go to church tonight or not...I totally forgot today is our wedding anniversary!! I know...bad wife huh? It's okay though, I don't think he remembered either!! I wouldn't mind staying home and watching Wipe Out with the hubby and kids.
Hopefully the weather will clear up tomorrow so we can get out in the garden and weed. I'd also like to go pick some more berries but we might wait until Friday... I don't want to get stuck in the mud!!
How was your homestead day?
Hi there,
I am so glad to have found another Mount Vernon shopper! :) I always wonder how many other bloggers/couponers shop in my town? :)
I saw your comment on Rachal's blog (giving back to Him) and thought I'd let you know that I am also a Mt.Vernon Kroger/couponer!! Looking forward to following you on your blog!!
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