Friday, May 22, 2009

Christmas Shopping Already?

One of the ways we have found to save money is to Christmas shop year round. I'm always checking the clearance racks and yard sales or Once Upon A Child for great deals. Our goal for our Christmas budget is $200 for all five children. If I shop really creatively we are able to stay in our budget. However, I can't wait until December to do our shopping!!

I used to be a die hard day after Thanksgiving shopper. Last year though I found Amazon and I got some awesome deals! I have changed my tune, now when the kids ask for something I always check Amazon to see what their going rate is so I can compare to other stores, usually amazon is cheaper because I can get free shipping and not have to pay sales tax. It also gives me a good idea of what prices should be for used toys.

I have already bought three really nice gifts and only spent less than $20 total and the gifts are originally over $50 each!! I keep them in the Amazon boxes until I wrap them so the kids can't peek. I also have a box where I keep gifts that I buy throughout the year with my extra care bucks or register rewards.

My goal this year is to pay for our Christmas with Swagbuck gift cards and my Extra Care Bucks or Register Rewards.

For more Frugal Friday ideas check out Lifeasmom

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