Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spending for April

I am going on another spending freeze and today my daughter informed me that her shoes were too tight. Off to Walmart we went, and after 30 long minutes in the shoe isle we finally found a pair for $11. While in Walmart my other daughter informed me that she needed new shoes because hers were too tight, I might not agree with that but her shoes have a really bad stench coming from them so we found a nice pair of summer tennis shoes for $10. My son also managed to convince me he needed a belt which he actually did since his shorts do not have the adjustable waisteband.
Total spent: $38.00 ( also included fingernail clippers and socks)

On a totally different note our spending freeze couldn't have started at a better time, as my husband is starting hearing rumors of lay offs. Grrr!!!


Frugal Sara said...

We are on a spending freeze for the month of April too.

I just had to buy my son 2 pairs of shoes last week. I HATE buying shoes.

Jennifer said...

That happens to us too, as soon as I make a move to stop spending, their feet start growing.