Friday, March 20, 2009

Weekly Wrap Up

It's time for another weekly wrap up over at Getting Ahead

This week was just okay as far as being frugal goes. We had to pay for our oldest daughter's soccer league and a few bills.
Here is what we did this week that was frugal...
* continued our fast food fast, we still haven't eaten out since Lent started
* got a free latte from Mcdonalds
* washed all clothes in cold water
* stayed well under our grocery budget this week
* I bought a small clothes line to hang in my laundry room for socks, under clothes, and other small items.
* only left town twice this week. All other errands were ran in town.
* we used some free ice cream coupons on Sunday for a fun treat
* we turned off our heat for three days this week!!

How was your week?


Frugal Sara said...

I think you did good Autumn! Way to go on not eating out. We are going to try and do that next month. So hard when you are in a rush! Great job!

Calina said...

Way to go!

I wish I didn't have to leave town for errands! We live in the equivilent to Mayberry RFD, there is nothing here. It's 25 miles either way to civilization! LOL!