Friday, March 20, 2009

Frugal Friday

What do you do when your well runs dry? Sometimes we just run out of steam when we have to be frugal all the time. There can be days or weeks when you just don't want to be frugal. It gets tiring chasing deals and saving money. When we're going through a dry spell it helps to really look at how we're saving money.

There are many ways to be frugal. IF you're chasing three or four kids under five this might not be the time to cut coupons. It might be a time of being content at home playing with your babies and working on getting your electric bill down. If you're in the middle of homeschooling many children maybe weekly grocery shopping isn't the best money saver, maybe planning a monthly menu and grocery shopping once a month is how you can be frugal. Maybe you're happy with your grocery bill and it's time to focus on lowering your other bills like turning down or turning off your heat! Do you want to cut your produce bill then it's time to plan a garden.

I think that sometimes being frugal gets turned into a competition and for people who don't save as much they can feel like a failure. Keep it in perspective. All the things you do make an impact on your budget! Keep up the good work moms! ( and dads)

Check out lifeasmom for other Frugal Friday ideas!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great reminder! You're so right. Every little bit helps, but you have to keep it in perspective of your overall quality of life.

Frugal Sara said...

I agree. Every little bit counts. You can only do what you can do.