Monday, March 30, 2009

New Month, New Challenge

I can't believe this is the end of March already! Where has the time gone?

I am giving myself two challenges this month. The first one I have done before but I am going to give it another shot. In the last month I have been spending more money on bargains like clothes and books and I need to get control on my spending again before I lose all I have gained. So, for the month of April my spending will be frozen. I have just a very few daughter might need cleats for soccer if we don't have the right size here, diapers/pull-ups ( unless CVS runs an awesome sale soon), cat food, and trash bags. Also, once the first week is over I'm going to try to just use $60 for the month of April for gas.

My other challenge is my garden challenge. I am planning to expand our garden and sometimes I'm guilty of having great ideas and then not following through. My challenge is to plan out all of my gardening needs, start my lettuce and other early crops, get my compost bin built and started, and stay on a budget so my garden doesn't cost me more than the grocery store produce!!

How about you? Are you embarking on any new challenges? Need some encouragement with it? Leave some comments and we can all support each other in our quest to become more frugal!

1 comment:

Frugal Sara said...

I will hop on board with you! I have been doing the same thing. I went over budget on clothes and groceries this month because I have scored some great sales and I went crazy stocking up. My husband and I are both going to try and curb our spending for the month of April. We are also going to cut our grocery budget way back and eat as much out of the pantry as possible. Hopefully we can help each other!