Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekly Meal Plan

This week is shaping up to be a busy one. We have Upward cheer leading and basket ball practices plus 2 games on Saturday. We've added in a history/science/drawn into the heart of reading co-op for Wednesdays and Wednesday night is Awana night. Our other co-op starts it's Winter Session on Friday plus I start baby sitting tomorrow afternoon!! It looks like a crazy week!! I will only be baby sitting for a few hours and only on Mondays but it will be nice to have some extra cash coming in.

Here's what's cooking at our house!
Breakfast is the usual baked oatmeal, gluten free coffee cakes, eggs, and bacon

Lunch--leftovers or
mac and cheese
baked potato

Nacho Night ( this will be our new Monday night meal!)
Bourbon Chicken/rice
Garlic Rub Pork/salad/baked potato
Pizza Rice (crock pot)
Fend For Yourself Saturday

For more menu ideas check out I'm an Organizing Junkie


Krajcimama said...

Stopping by from MPM - I love the idea of a fend for yourself day! I am probably going to have to wait 5 or 6 years (maybe even longer) to implement that one but I'm already looking forward to it! :)

Hope you have a great week!

Frugal Sara said...

We love nacho night!!!