Saturday, April 11, 2009

More Kroger Triple Deals

Kroger has Fiber One bars and Nature Valley granola bars on sale for $2 a box. Use the $.50 off coupon in recent insert and pay just $.50 a box

Fiber One yogurt and Yo-Plus yogurt are also free to $.50 a box.

Remember that Kroger usually has a higher price than Walmart or Aldi but if you are just starting your stockpile this would be a great time to get some deals. Especially on granola bars, pasta sauce, pasta, croutons, and small containers of sour cream. Be sure to check your price book to make sure you are getting a good deal. I have never gotten granola bars free so $.50 is a great stock up price. Free pasta does come around but I haven't seen it for a couple months. Ragu pasta sauce is $.69 which is a great price but Aldi as their brand for $.99 all the time.

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