Friday, January 2, 2009

Weekly Wrap Up #1

I've decided to participate in weekly wrap up to help keep me accountable during my 21 days of nothing.

I started my 21 quest on Jan.1, I am not counting our grocery money, only eating out, videos, clothes, cvs, walgreens, and that sort of thing.

This week I accomplished...
-baked two loaves of bread instead of buying them
-didn't eat out, until tonight and we're using a gift card so it's free!
-washed all laundry in cold water
-reduced the length of my dryer running
-unplugging things not in use
-did NOT buy any clothes, toys, or Christmas stuff on clearance!!
-bought only what I needed at CVS instead of rolling my ecbs and only paid $.66 out of pocket!
-sent my mom to buy more of the Swiss White Chocolate coffee that is on sale at Meijer buy 10 for $20 get a $5 on your next order coupon instead of making another trip after them- this is the BEST coffee yet!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks for participating. Good luck in your challenge, I did one similar in October. Happy New Year.