Thursday, January 1, 2009

21 Days of Nothing

Today begins my first money saving challenge. My goal is to go 21 days without buying anything- now I do have some exceptions- my son's birthday present, groceries, and my kids co-op fees. I also am not counting my ecb as money, this way if I "need" something I'll be able to get it. I'm not just doing this to save money but also to look at how I spend money. I need to change my attitude toward money- it's not just for spending, just because we have it doesn't mean we spend it!

This is not going to be easy, Walgreens has some great deals coming up!! I am hoping to really decide what my needs are and what my wants are. I totally do NOT need any more shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, razors, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and quite a few other things but it's so hard to let those great deals slip through my fingers!!

I will still buy things that are free after coupons, so I'll still have to pay some tax but that's it!! I'm hoping to make some money selling books and toys and clothes at Once Upon A Child and Half Price Books so we can still get some fun things, plus we do have gift cards for some restaurants to eat out on.

I'll be updating daily to keep myself accountable.

1 comment:

Frugal Sara said...

I stumbled across your blog and found it interesting that you are doing 21 days of nothing. My family started 30 days of nothing on January 1st. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey. I agree with you that with all the deals going on right isn't going to be easy!